So, I'm trying this thing where you make another page. That way, instead of writing a blog every day to tell you about myself, I can write one entire page about myself - on top of telling you about my everyday life. Lucky you.
So, my real name is not Deswellyn (at least I think that's the name this thing has me listed under). Imagine that. My name is Guy Shuford and I live in Columbia, SC. I grew up with wonderful parents who taught me some modicum of morals and work ethics. However, they never quite managed to drill in the common sense. I joined the military at age 20 (there's that lack of common sense) and found myself in the Tenth Mountain Infantry where I served three overseas tours, including Iraq and Afghanistan. Afterwards, I became a corrections officer for a few years until a new GI Bill was passed and I jumped on the opportunity. Now, I attend USC and am studying to be a mechanical engineer.
About the name Deswellyn. For a short time, I made jewelry (and I still do) in chain mail style. I wanted a catchy name to put up for an Etsy shop, so I ran the shop for a short time under the name Deswellyn. It's sort of an internet persona. However, Deswellyn seems to have a few multiple personality disorder issues. Originally, Deswellyn was a professional e-shop owner and is now some kind of blogger with a very warped sense of morality.
I currently live with a pair of ferrets - Falkor (named after the luck dragon in The Neverending Story) and Cyrano (named after NPH's ferret in Starship Troopers). I rent a duplex home for the time being - one which is rented to me through a third party. I've not once actually met my landlord. This may not be a bad thing.
I'll probably go back and completely rewrite this.